10/02/16 9h00 - 11/02/16 18h00 Working group CDNI (CDNI/G) Palais du Rhin 2, place de la RépubliqueSTRASBOURG, Add to my calendar
24/05/16 9h00 - 25/05/16 18h00 Working group CDNI (CDNI/G) Palais du Rhin 2, place de la RépubliqueSTRASBOURG, Add to my calendar
26/05/16 9h00 - 18h00 International organ for equalization and coordination (IIPC) Palais du Rhin 2, place de la RépubliqueSTRASBOURG, Add to my calendar
28/06/16 9h00 - 18h00 Contracting parties conference (CPC) Palais du Rhin 2, place de la RépubliqueSTRASBOURG, Add to my calendar
28/09/16 9h00 - 29/09/16 18h00 Working group CDNI (CDNI/G) Palais du Rhin 2, place de la RépubliqueSTRASBOURG, Add to my calendar
22/11/16 9h00 - 18h00 International organ for equalization and coordination (IIPC) Palais du Rhin 2, place de la RépubliqueSTRASBOURG, Add to my calendar
15/12/16 9h00 - 18h00 Contracting parties conference (CPC) Palais du Rhin 2, place de la RépubliqueSTRASBOURG, Add to my calendar
18/05/17 9h00 - 17h00 International organ for equalization and coordination (IIPC) Add to my calendar